Trade and supply chain finance are vital components of global commerce, facilitating the flow of goods and financing across borders. However, we explore here several key challenges that banks face in managing these operations efficiently and discuss how adopting a Software as a Service (SaaS) – or rather a Trade Finance as a Service (TFaaS) solution can help overcome these challenges. 

Top 3 Trade and Supply Chain Finance Challenges for Banks: 

Complex and Manual Processes: Traditional trade and supply chain finance processes are often complex and heavily reliant on manual tasks. Managing documentation, verifying trade transactions, and coordinating with multiple parties can be time-consuming and error prone. Additionally, the lack of standardization across trade finance processes further complicates operations for banks. 

Lack of Transparency and Visibility: Another challenge banks face is the limited transparency and visibility into trade and supply chain finance transactions. Tracking the movement of goods, monitoring the status of financing, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements can be challenging when information is fragmented across disparate systems and paper-based documents. 

Compliance and Regulatory Risks: Banks operating in the trade and supply chain finance space must navigate a complex regulatory landscape. Ensuring compliance with anti-Trade Based Money Laundering (TBML), Know Your Customer (KYC), and trade finance regulations requires robust due diligence processes and ongoing monitoring of transactions. Failure to comply with regulatory requirements can result in financial penalties, reputational damage, and legal liabilities for banks. 

How Adopting a TFaaS Solution Can Help: 

Streamlined Workflows and Automation: A TFaaS solution offers automation capabilities that streamline trade and supply chain finance workflows. By digitizing manual processes, such as document management, data entry, and transaction processing, banks can reduce processing times, minimize errors, and improve operational efficiency. Standardized workflows also ensure consistency and compliance with regulatory requirements. 

Enhanced Transparency and Visibility: A TFaaS platform provides real-time visibility into trade and supply chain finance transactions, enabling banks to track the movement of goods, monitor financing activities, and access comprehensive audit trails. Centralized data repositories and customizable dashboards empower banks to make informed decisions, identify potential risks, and respond proactively to changing market conditions. 

Compliance Management and Risk Mitigation: A TFaaS solution offers built-in compliance features and regulatory updates to help banks stay ahead of evolving regulatory requirements. Automated compliance checks, document verification, and transaction monitoring capabilities enable banks to identify suspicious activities, mitigate risks, and ensure adherence to regulatory standards. Additionally, advanced analytics and reporting tools provide insights into portfolio performance and risk exposure, enabling banks to optimize their trade and supply chain finance operations.

Improved Customer Service: By offering their corporate customers access to a real-time, web based TFaaS platform, banks can provide digital trade finance customer service anytime and from anywhere. Simplifying complex trade finance applications for customers through automated document verification, compliance checks, and transaction processing, accelerates response times, service delivery and reduces error and risk of fraud. Surecomp’s collaborative trade finance platform RIVO facilitates real-time ecosystem communication, secure messaging and transparent transaction status updates, for overall enhanced digital customer experience. 

The Cost Benefits of TFaaS:

Aside from the operational benefits of a TFaaS solution, there are significant cost benefits, which make it a compelling choice for any company looking to optimize their IT expenditures and significantly reduce the total cost of ownership.  

No Hardware Costs:

TFaaS eliminates the need for purchasing and maintaining expensive hardware infrastructure. This includes servers, storage devices, and networking equipment that are otherwise necessary for on-premises solutions​.  

Lower Software Licensing Fees:

TFaaS operates on a subscription-based model, reducing the need for large upfront licensing fees that are common with traditional software​.  

Automatic Updates:

TFaaS handles all updates and maintenance, ensuring that users always have access to the latest features and security patches without additional costs or downtime. 

Reduced IT Staffing Needs:

By offloading maintenance and updates, businesses can reduce the need for extensive in-house IT staff. 

On-Demand Scalability:

TFaaS can easily scale up or down based on business needs without the need for additional hardware or significant reconfiguration, ensuring that businesses only pay for what they use. 


TFaaS offers flexible subscription models that allow businesses to adjust their usage and costs according to their current needs, avoiding overprovisioning and wasted resources.  

Energy and Space Savings:

By utilizing cloud-based resources, businesses can save on energy costs and physical space that would otherwise be needed for on-premises data centers​.  

Lower Utility Costs:

The reduction in physical hardware also translates to lower power and cooling costs. 


TFaaS is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, facilitating remote work and collaboration, which can lead to higher productivity and reduced travel and office space costs. 

Integrated Tools:

TFaaS offers integrated tools and services that streamline workflows, reducing the time and resources needed for task management and execution​.  

Budgeting and Forecasting:

The subscription-based pricing model of TFaaS allows for more predictable budgeting and financial planning, as costs are spread out over time rather than incurred as large capital expenditures​​. 


Trade and supply chain finance operations present unique challenges for banks, including complex paper-reliant processes, limited transparency, and regulatory risks. However, by adopting Surecomp’s TFaaS solution with straight through automated processing using RIVO and DOKA-NG, banks can overcome these challenges by streamlining workflows, enhancing transparency, and securing regulatory compliance. By leveraging the capabilities of TFaaS, banks can improve operational efficiency, mitigate risks, and enhance customer experience and satisfaction, unlocking new opportunities for growth and innovation in the trade and supply chain finance space.  

For more information about Surecomp’s TFaaS solution, contact us to discuss your needs.